Recital 19

In general, submitting new goods or services, including software applications, to the online intermediation services should be considered to be clear affirmative action, resulting in the waiving, by the business user, of the notice period required for changes to the terms and conditions. However, in cases where the reasonable and proportionate notice period is longer than 15 days because the changes to the terms and conditions require the business user to make significant technical adjustments to its goods or services, the notice period should not be considered to be automatically waived where the business user submits new goods and services. The provider of online intermediation services should expect the changes to terms and conditions to require the business user to make significant technical adjustments where, for example, entire features of the online intermediation services that business users had access to are removed or added, or where business users might need to adapt their goods or reprogramme their services to be able to continue to operate through the online intermediation services.