Recital 42

Since the providers of online intermediation services should always be required to identify mediators with which they are willing to engage, and should be obliged to engage in good faith throughout any mediation attempts conducted pursuant to this Regulation, these obligations should be established in a way that prevents abuse of the mediation system by business users. Business users should also be obliged to engage in mediation in good faith. Providers of online intermediation services should not be obliged to engage in mediation where a business user brings proceedings on a subject in relation to which that business user has previously brought proceedings seeking mediation and the mediator has determined in that case that the business user has not acted in good faith. Providers of online intermediation services should also not be obliged to engage in mediation with business users who have made repeated unsuccessful mediation attempts. These exceptional situations should not limit the business user’s ability to submit a case to mediation where, as determined by the mediator, the subject matter of the mediation is not related to the previous cases.