Recital 29

Ancillary goods and services should be understood as goods and services offered to the consumer immediately prior to the completion of a transaction initiated on online intermediation services to complement the primary good or service being offered by the business user. Ancillary goods and services refer to products that typically depend on, and are directly related to, the primary good or service in order to function. Therefore, the term should exclude goods and services that are merely being sold in addition to the primary good or service in question rather than being complementary in their nature. Examples of ancillary services include repair services for a specific good or financial products such as car rental insurance offered so as to complement the specific goods or services being offered by the business user. Likewise, ancillary goods might include goods that complement the specific product being offered by the business user by constituting an upgrade or a customisation tool linked to that specific product. Providers of online intermediation services offering goods or services to consumers that are ancillary to a good or service sold by a business user, using their online intermediation services, should set out in their terms and conditions a description of the type of ancillary goods and services being offered. Such a description should be available in the terms and conditions regardless of whether the ancillary good or service is being provided by the provider of online intermediation services itself or by a third party. Such a description should be comprehensive enough to allow a business user to understand whether any good or service is being sold as ancillary to the business user’s good or service. The description should not necessarily include the specific good or service, but rather the type of product being offered as complementary to the primary product of the business user. Furthermore, this description should in all circumstances include whether and under what conditions a business user is allowed to offer its own ancillary good or service in addition to the primary good or service that it is offering through the online intermediation services.